How do I benefit from business coaching?
Live your dream, achieve freedom - make your business run on auto-pilot mode
Multiply your growth - adopt strategies which are proven for high impact
Learn and upgrade fast- do not experiment and waste time, learn from a coach and execute
Why Business Coaching?.....because there is NO OTHER WAY
You cannot learn by just taking online courses and listening to videos (and classroom training is past)
Your business targets are getting missed and you should not waste time experimenting, but instead learn from an expert
Hiring such expertise is not cost effective for small and medium scale businesses
A GreyShoots Coach is a domain expert, who supports achieving YOUR goals, becoming your thinking partner, saving YOUR precious time
GreyShoots Business Coaching creates high business impact with :
Deep knowledge and expertise of Coaches - made available in customised and flexible format
Objective assessment tools to find gaps with industry benchmarks
Tested and proven toolkits and templates to enable fast deployment
Myths about coaching
Myth # 1 - Coaching is all mumbo-jumbo and about life goals. It has nothing to do with business
Facts - GreyShoots business coaching focuses on business and creates measurable impact
Business Coaching is about the business and business only. A Business coach works on hard metrics to measure business improvement.
They drive a list of actions to achieve results.
They coach the persons responsible for these actions and hence build permanent capability in the organisation
Myth #2 - Business Coaching is same as mentoring
Facts - GreyShoots coaches are domain experts who drive change through psychology
Mentors work on psychology of mentees, getting them solutions through inner discovery
GreyShoots Business Coaches work on improving business results. They help solve business problems while working on psychology of founder/ leaders.
While mentors do not have a metric to measure ROI, business coaching is hard wired into business performance improvement such as revenue increase and lower attrition
Myth #3 - Business Coaching is very expensive and not affordable
Facts - GreyShoots coaching is affordable with high ROI
GreyShoots has pioneered in making business coaching highly affordable through standardisation and scale
Working with multiple clients and industries, we have codified tools which business coaches deploy to unleash value faster and hence cheaper.
With measurable ROI, investment in GreyShoots coaching is highly value accretive.
Myth #4 - Business Coaching is for large and established businesses
Facts - GreyShoots business coaching creates impact with early stage start-ups, family businesses and SMBs
GreyShoots has a mission to empower SMBs with best practices in a fast and affordable manner
The need for processes and coaching is stronger for smaller and unstructured businesses. Without this support, they cannot achieve their full potential
Specific teams in large organisations such as Sales, Customer Service, Retail Ops can benefit equally
1st generation entrepreneurs
Family owned businesses
Early stage Start-ups
Small & Medium size companies
Who can benefit from Business Coaching?
Measure results in business KPI improvement
Business coaching to build skills on-the-job solving real problems
Build development plans using AI
Create skill gap reports for each manager
Transform your mid-managers into Execution Machines
Build Skill
Under micro-coaching, the coaches work inch-by-inch to de-clutter growth for the leaders and teams and build the execution muscle in core skills such as planning, quality, sales, marketing and so on
Build Will
While every employee has an inherent will to perform, leadership behaviours, organisation culture and processes diminish it, thereby, reducing performance. Our coaches identify these barriers and uproot them to enable execution
We are hiring coaches
If you have a domain expertise and are passionate about listening to others and solving problems, then write to us
GreyShoots Advisory
Fixing your execution. Just get it done
measure & plan
coach & implement
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