Grow your business with our unique 360 degree approach. We strategise, plan and execute with you, for you.
We enable small businesses to achieve 30-50% growth in 3 to 6 months
Our new 360 degree approach is super powerful and generates guaranteed results
If you are a retail company, hospitality chain or a manufacturing/ service business
If you have established a product market fit but struggling to scale now
If you have been in operation for 2+ years, but still waiting for the success you want
Business growth is stuck due to lack of strategy or right execution. We remove these barriers to unlock growth
We start with identifying the growth potential in the business and whether the strategy being adopted is right or not
This is a no commitment 45 min assessment. Only if there is potential, we continue to work forward
We build a business growth plan forecasting revenues, costs and fund requirements, benchmarking with market, competition and technology
All actions are derived from the business plan. Examples of actions are fund raising, revamp marketing strategy or hiring
Execute actions with highest rigour and monitor impact. Growth is visible in metrics such as revenue, order book and lower costs
20-30% growth is typically observed in 90 days period
The Coach was Godsent for us. I am not from business background. He helped me in number crunching and made is extremely simple
Co-founder of an Advertising company
I have built the business from scratch from last 8 years, but now feel stuck. I was becoming a bottleneck from myself. I needed someone to challenge my ways of working and tell me better ways of execution
Founder of an Industrial Crane manufacturing company
We have expanded in last 3 years across cities, but it is not giving results as managing performance is dependent on the founders. Lack of processes was killing us and investment was going waste
Founder of a Kid's special education chain
When an IT company decided to grow, lack of productivity and disengaged people were the roadblocks. They could get orders but were not confident of fulfilling them. Putting processes in place, brought higher productivity leading to enhanced order book by 300%
Key tools used : Business planning, Automation and process improvement, Productivity improvement

How an Indian retailer brand improved the conversion rate of their inbound sales queries by meticulously working on conversion levers - resulting in 22% revenue jump in 3 months
Key tools used - Sales Data analytics, Conversion improvement through scripts and training, Energising the sales team and motivation
Small and Medium size enterprises may suffer from lack of structure and latest strategies to grow
Stuck and not growing
Marketing not working?
Feel like opportunity is slipping away?
Our Business Coaches take a 360 degree approach to eliminate roadblocks that stand in the way of your success
Wear the Founder's thinking hat and highlight gaps, honestly
Prepare action plans using best practices to maximise impact
Drive implementation and demonstrate measurable outcomes
Our detailed assessments capture insights on all dimensions of execution and throws insights which are transparent and measurable
Learning from best practice oranizations, we deploy processes which are proven to produce results. It ensure fast and incisive implementation with assured results
High revenue, reduced attrition, better EBIDTA etc - Each action has tangible outcome which is measured to determine ROI

Talk to our growth experts to map the potential of growth and seek advice to grow your business.
No obligations. Virtual connect.
Complementary first session
Transform your business to achieve high growth, increase revenues and profits.
We implement a 3-6 months custom-made action plan providing end-to-end support
We focus on high impact areas of growth only
We have curated specific booster-dose toolkits for businesses who have "specific" problems to solve

Opportunity estimation
Our improved 360 degree approach makes us a one-stop solution provider for small business needs
Growth action planning
Sales improvement
Marketing optimisation
People management
We execute each action along with you, hand-in-hand
Technology deployment
Franchise expansion
Customer service
Dig opportunities to automate and outsource to reduce costs
3yr/ 5 yr growth plans and detailed action planning and funding
Deploy Big data analytics and psychology for sales growth
Deploy marketing strategy that works and is cost effective
Enable retail growth through footprint expansion via franchise model
Hire, train and motivate teams and build leaders
Deploy suitable technologies to grow and not become obsolete
Customer retention and customer advocacy
You are an expert at your product or service
We are experts at helping you scale your business
Founders and CXOs need a thinking and execution partner to sustain growth - GreyShoots is that partner for you
Our toolkits attack specific problems for small businesses and create impact by executed tested solutions
Customised solutions with backbone of best practices
Customised solutions for specific teams
Adaptable to several industry set-ups
Best practices standardised with fast and easy adaptation
Implementation support through business coaches
Design of experiments approach for problem solving
Expertise based support
Sharp and unwavering focus on target achievement
Super fast roll out
Fast assessment and contextualisation
Remote set-up and kick off within 2-3 days
Lightening speed execution of analysis and insights
KPI Toolbox
Build a stellar leadership team through business coaching and witness measurable improvement in performance
Learning while on-the-job
Live projects to show results
Integrate with performance appraisals and promotions
Execution issues are deep rooted. Teams and leaders feel stuck, unable to grow and seldom know what needs to be fixed
Take this 10 question assessment. If you relate to the symptoms and score low, a business Coach can add significant value to achieve business goals
There are 3 parts to an organisation
Technical systems (product, strategy, design)
Functional systems (reviews, KPIs, processes and policies)
Behavioural systems (motivation and leadership behaviours)
Our Coaches fix all three systems to unleash the potential of your business idea
It is not about knowing what to do, but actually DOING it.
Lack of Execution of ideas and strategies is the biggest roadblock for growth
We work closely with business owners and CXOs to execute actions along with them.
Our new advanced model of execution deploys tested and standardised strategies in a cost effective manner
How small businesses should engage in cost effective marketing

As per a survey, businesses waste upto 40% of marketing budget. Small businesses need marketing but it is easy to burn money there. Wrong strategies can bleed the business, without impact. These 4 strategies can create wonders for small businesses
Expertise of building and scaling businesses

Business experience across world class companies such as McKinsey & Co, Maruti Suzuki, Vedanta, Oyo, Lenskart
Deep understanding of human behaviours and organisational psychology to bring change in mindsets

Nothing moves here without following up, a 100 times. No one cares !!!
The review was nothing but shouting. Even they don't have to listen, why they call a meeting?
A Day in the Life
It is critical to address mindsets to create any positive change
I am not getting any support from any team. All they say is that there is too much work, but I don't see the output
Let's cut the testing time as the deliverable is due tomorrow. Something will fail, we will manage it overnight
I don't feel like coming to office every morning. Its so stressful and no appreciation
Your organisation is unique and so are its challenges
Let's co-create a solution which delivers results
GreyShoots Advisory
Fixing your execution. Just get it done
measure & plan
coach & implement
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